CASA hits the small screen

© Civil Aviation Safety Authority

CASA has been exploring new ways to encourage public feedback on draft regulations—by hitting the small screen.

With the release of five draft flight operations regulations for public consultation, CASA embarked on a series of live webinars to explain the changes and take questions from the public.

CASA’s Regulation Implementation Manager, Jason McHeyzer, has hosted all three of the one-hour webinars. ‘It’s another way for us to reach the aviation community,’ he said. ‘We expected a few curlier questions but those we received showed a fairly good understanding of what we’re proposing.’

‘The whole idea was to drive interest in the consultations. We want the public to comment because we need to know if the rules will work in practice the way we intend them to.’

CASA plans to make six flight operations regulations before the end of the year: Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR) Part 91—General operating and flight rules; CASR Part 119—Australian air transport operators–certification and management; CASR Part 121—Larger aeroplane air transport operations; CASR Part 133—Rotorcraft air transport operations; Part 135—Smaller aeroplane air transport operations; and CASR Part 138—Aerial work operations.

The three webinars have been held for three separate consultations; general operating and flight rules, rotorcraft air transport rules and smaller aeroplane air transport operations rules.

Two of the consultations are still open until 2 September 2018, one for smaller aeroplane air transport operations and one for larger aeroplane air transport operations. Both also request comment on the certification and management requirements for Australian air transport operators. Provide comment through CASA’s Consultation Hub.