CASA online store September special


This month, the price of safety is not much more than two large cups of coffee.

CASA’s online store is offering our Communication, Navigation, Surveillance, Air Traffic Management (CNS-ATM) resource kit for just $9.95 delivered with a bonus pen and notepad!

The CNS-ATM resource kit contains an instructional book, workbook and DVD, and is a guide to operating in Australian airspace, with particular emphasis on satellite-based navigation and surveillance.

The kit is for both self- and class-based instruction and provides a foundation level of knowledge. Topics covered include an overview of CNS/ATM, communication, global navigation satellite systems, surveillance and ADSB, aircraft equipment, performance-based navigation, flight planning, human factors, IFR operations and VFR operations.

Who should use this resource kit?

  • all pilots—civilian and military
  • flying training organisations
  • remotely piloted aircraft (drone) operators
  • air traffic controllers
  • licensed aviation maintenance engineers
  • avionics engineers
  • aviation management
  • human factors specialists.

To take advantage of this great deal go to the CASA online store this month.