Submit your close call

Our readers have told us that the stories and information published in Flight Safety Australia has influenced them to become safer.

We invite you to share your experiences to help us improve aviation safety.

Share your story
Have you experienced a near miss that made you rethink your approach or change your procedures? Your story could provide a lifesaving lesson for others.

We’re looking for first-hand accounts that relate to any of the following themes:

  • non-controlled operations
  • weather and forecasting
  • flight planning
  • controlled aerodromes and operations
  • aviation maintenance.

Get rewarded
If your close call meets our safety themes and word count criteria, you will receive a free gift.
If we publish your close call, you’ll get $500.

Choose to share your name or stay anonymous
If we select your close call for publication, you can choose to include your details or stay anonymous.

How to submit
Use the below form to submit your close call today.

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