FlySafe 2019 forum set to improve aviation safety


In a concerted effort to maintain Australia’s world-leading safety record, Australia’s three government aviation agencies are hosting the inaugural FlySafe 2019 Aviation Safety Forum at the Australian International Airshow at the end of this month.

Airservices Australia, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) will together discuss and explore a range of aviation safety issues with the aim of enhancing aviation safety during a full day forum at the airshow, to be held at Avalon Airport in Victoria on Thursday 28 February.

FlySafe 2019 is open and free to trade visitors, exhibitors and conference delegates. The forum will include keynote sessions by Airservices Chief Executive Officer Jason Harfield; ATSB Chief Commissioner Greg Hood; and CASA Chief Executive Officer and Director of Aviation Safety, Shane Carmody.

Safety experts from the three agencies will be discussing the benefits of enabling a positive safety reporting culture and will also talk through a hypothetical accident at a busy airport to describe the important roles each agency plays during an aviation accident.

With the ATSB’s latest annual statistics showing an increase in the number of fatalities from aviation accidents in Australia during 2017, Chief Commissioner Hood said the ATSB regularly investigates aviation accidents involving poor decision making and risk management.

‘We regularly see accidents repeated – fatal accidents which could have quite easily been avoided – it is incredibly tragic and very frustrating,’ said Mr Hood. ‘There are valuable safety lessons to be learned for the whole of industry from our investigations, and I look forward to discussing a range of safety matters with the attendees at FlySafe 2019.’

FlySafe 2019 will also hear from the Director of the Defence Flight Safety Bureau, Group Captain Nigel Ward, and from New Zealand’s Transport Accident Investigation Commission, Chief Commissioner, Jane Meares.

‘Australia’s aviation safety scorecard is the envy of the world, and we continue to innovate and improve in order to maintain this proud legacy,’ said Mr Harfield, who will be providing an update on current developments in air traffic management safety, including the OneSKY program. ‘It is crucial we do this, so the industry grows safely and efficiently in the years to come.’

Mr Carmody said FlySafe 2019 represents a unique opportunity for the aviation industry. ‘CASA is committed to maintaining Australia’s strong aviation safety record through improvements to regulations, effective consultation with industry and working together with other aviation agencies,’ Mr Carmody said. ‘At FlySafe 2019 the aviation industry will have the opportunity to address and confront safety issues, and hear how the three agencies will continue to work together to improve aviation safety in Australia.’

To attend FlySafe 2019, delegates should send their name, titles and affiliation to before 15 February 2019.



  1. Their combined way of improving safety especially at GA level is to remove the problem, the planes themselves & the drivers that go along with them! Problem solved! So far they are achieving just that!

  2. As the Aerospace Industry was the birthplace of contemporary Risk Management and has a continuing overtone in most Flight Safety Australia articles, would it not be appropriate for sound Risk Management to be the central theme of the Forum.

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