Plain English guide makes regs clearer


Attendees at the Avalon Airshow will be the first to hear about a new CASA initiative aimed at supporting aviation community members with the implementation of the new flight operations regulations.

Shane Carmody, CEO and Director of Aviation Safety, will be presenting an extract of the Part 91 Plain English Guide, which covers the general operating and flight rules to explain the regulatory requirements in a more easily understandable writing style.

The new flight operations Civil Aviation Safety Regulation Parts—covering the general operating and flight rules, air transport certification and governance, air transport operations for aeroplanes and rotorcraft and aerial work—were formally made in December 2018 with these new Parts set to take effect from 25 March 2021.

The new guide is currently being developed by staff in the Stakeholder Engagement Division, in collaboration with many other areas within CASA. Pradeep de Silva, strategic industry communications manager, says it is hoped this new initiative will be used as a first reference point to understand rules, and to operate safely and comply with the regulations. ‘The guide contains material to assist the aviation community in understanding the application of the aviation legislation and has been developed as a “how to or what to do” to comply with the rules in an easier-to-read style than the law,’ says Pradeep.

‘It has been designed primarily for general aviation pilots and flying schools, however, it is expected various professional pilots will also find it useful.’

‘We want pilots to understand the rules without referring to Part 91 Regulations and the Part 91 Manual of Standards, all while remaining within the law by providing a guide to explain the regulatory requirements in a more easily understandable writing style.’

The extract of the Part 91 Plain English Guide is now available on the CASA website.


  1. Would now be great if weather forecasts were written in English ! Surely it takes just as long to write them in secret code as it would to just use common English.

  2. The need for such a document convincingly demonstrates that the format of our regulations makes them unfit for their intended purpose unless this purpose is solely to facilitate the securing of convictions.
    More urgent that the proposed plain-language guide to of Part 91 is the need for a comprehensive index to the entire set of regulations in a format suitable for a user without formal legal training.
    With the recent cost-saving measure by Airservices to delete the index in the AIP the need for a comprehensive index has become even more important.

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