Australian Accidents—17 March to 22 April 2019

paraglider image: CASA

Bird strikes 176
Wildlife strikes 9
Wire strikes 2

Date 17 March
Aircraft Piper PA-28-161
Location Camden Aerodrome
Injuries Nil
Description During cruise, the aircraft operating under VFR entered IMC and requested navigational assistance from ATC. The aircraft was diverted to Richmond.

Date 20 March
Aircraft Skyfox Aviation CA-25N
Location Goulburn Aerodrome
Injuries Nil
Description During take-off, the pilot received a radio call from an aircraft joining upwind and rejected the take-off. The aircraft veered off the runway, hit a ditch and sustained substantial damage.

Date 21 March
Aircraft Paraglider (type unknown)
Location near Torquay (ALA)
Injuries Serious
Description The paraglider crashed, and the pilot sustained serious injuries.

Date 27 March
Aircraft Micro Aviation Bantam B22s
Location Winton Aerodrome
Injuries Unknown
Description During a routine airfield inspection, gouges were discovered in the ground near the flight strip. The substantially damaged aircraft was subsequently located in a hangar.

Date 27 March
Aircraft Beech 58
Location Maitland Aerodrome
Injuries Nil
Description During approach, the pilot did not extend the landing gear resulting in a wheels-up landing. The aircraft sustained substantial damaged.

Date 27 March
Aircraft ELA-09 Junior
Location near Goolwa (ALA)
Injuries Serious
Description. During climb, the gyrocopter crashed and was substantially damaged.

Date 31 March
Aircraft Piper PA-32-300
Location Normanton Aerodrome
Injuries Minor
Description During initial climb, the engine lost partial power and the pilot made a return to Normanton. During the subsequent approach, the aircraft hit trees.

Date 31 March
Aircraft Skyfox Aviation CA25
Location near George Town (ALA)
Injuries Serious
Description During landing, the aircraft crashed.

Date 7 April
Aircraft Calair Skyfox Ca21
Location Avalon Aerodrome
Injuries Minor
Description During initial climb, the pilot made a return to the airstrip. During the subsequent landing, the aircraft crashed. The pilot sustained minor injuries and the aircraft was damaged.

Date 8 April
Aircraft Cessna 182G
Location Atherton (ALA)
Injuries Fatal
Description The aircraft crashed and was destroyed. The investigation is continuing.


Date 8 April
Aircraft Kavanagh E-240
Location Melbourne Aerodrome
Injuries Nil
Description During descent, the envelope of the balloon caught fire when it distorted due to windshear.

Date 9 April
Aircraft Gyrocopter (type unknown)
Location near Morven (ALA)
Injuries Fatal
Description During aerial mustering operations, the aircraft crashed and was destroyed.

Date 14 April
Aircraft Aeroprakt A22LS Foxbat
Location Cunnamulla Aerodrome
Injuries Fatal
Description During mustering operations, the aircraft crashed and the pilot was killed.

Date 16 April
Aircraft VAN’S RV-6
Location Edmund Station (ALA)
Injuries Minor
Description During the landing roll, the aircraft became bogged and flipped resulting in substantial damage and minor injuries to the pilot.

Date 17 April
Aircraft Cessna 152
Location Archerfield Aerodrome
Injuries Nil
Description During taxi, the pilot became incapacitated resulting in the aircraft veering off the taxiway and striking a ditch resulting in substantial damage.

Date 17 April
Aircraft Cessna 210L
Location Hodgson Downs (ALA)
Injuries Nil
Description During landing, the right-hand main landing gear collapsed resulting in the aircraft veering off the runway. The aircraft sustained substantial damage.

Date 19 April
Aircraft Jabiru J120C
Location near Wagga Wagga Aerodrome
Injuries Nil
Description During climb, fumes were detected in the cockpit. During approach back to Wagga Wagga fire was observed emanating from the aircraft. After landing the aircraft was engulfed by fire and destroyed.

Source: Daily Advertiser

Date 20 April
Aircraft Airborne Australia Edge X2000
Location Morawa Aerodrome
Injuries Fatal
Description During take-off, the hang glider crashed.

Date 22 April
Aircraft Gippsland Aeronautics GA-8
Location near Hervey Bay Aerodrome
Injuries Minor
Description The parked Gippsland Aeronautics GA-8 rolled on to the beach landing strip while another GA-8 was landing. The pilot of the rolling GA-8 boarded the aircraft in an attempt to manoeuvre it off the flight strip. The aircraft subsequently collided resulting in minor damage to both aircraft and minor injuries to a passenger on the landing GA-8.