Red Bull Air Race world champion Matt Hall talks about aviation safety


Matt Hall has won the Red Bull Air Race championship in its final season! The 47-year-old former RAAF pilot – and now world champion – is also promoting the return to print of Flight Safety Australia. In our new safety video, he displays his incredible talent for high-speed turns and accurate flying.

He says his given talent is nowhere near enough in itself to make him a safe pilot. He nominates occasions where reliance on his skill has almost killed him. To his great credit, he has analysed and learnt from these accidents. We can too.

He says the only way to deal with complacency – the cause of one of his close calls – is to continue to challenge yourself. ‘You should always strive to continue to learn, to attain an additional rating, IFR, tailwheel, multi-engine, whatever. Pushing yourself will keep you humble.’

Visualisation allows a pilot to use their imagination to develop an emergency procedure in the cockpit, based on somebody else’s experience, he says. ‘If one day something similar does happen, you’ve already been there in your mind.’

Matt plans, visualises and trains because he prefers to do his worrying, imagining and suffering on the ground, not in the air. ‘I’m not worried about what might happen,’ he says. ‘No matter what it might be, I’ve thought it through and I’ve got a plan to deal with it.’

Flight Safety Australia: back in print

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  1. The opening title credits to the video has a spelling mistake.

    The word “enough” is spelt incorrectly.

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