What’s your feedback on Flight Safety Australia?

Flight Safety Australia survey

Flight Safety Australia is CASA’s flagship aviation safety magazine.

Take our survey to help us better provide the kind of publication you want. This will take about 5-10 minutes to complete.

The survey invites feedback on both the online and print editions of the magazine. For instance, do you find the information useful, engaging and relevant? Has it helped you become safer in your aviation role?

Tell us what you like most in the magazine and where you think we could do better. We also welcome feedback on the selection of articles and the magazine’s look and feel.

Your feedback will be anonymous and used in accordance with our privacy policy.

Take the survey now.


  1. Always something of interest in each issue.
    I have a go at the VFR quizzes, and always get some wrong, but then I learn the correct answers as well.

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