CASA lifts Bristell restrictions

A BRM Bristell NG 5. Image: "File:Soar Aviation (VH-YVP) BRM Aero Bristell NG 5 LSA at Wagga Wagga Airport.jpg" by Bidgee is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

CASA has lifted restrictions preventing Bristell Light Sport Aircraft self-certified by BRM Aero Ltd from being used in stall training.

This advice was provided to all Bristell owners and operators via an updated safety notice. It follows the provision of information being provided by independent organisations and advice provided to owners about the centre of gravity arms.

This information has enabled CASA to be reasonably satisfied that safety concerns and issues previously raised by CASA have been addressed.

The safety notice includes 4 recommendations in light of these corrections.

  1. CASA recommends that pilots and operators of the affected aircraft ensure they are familiar with the effect of the revised aircraft operating instructions (AOI), as there may now be a significant change to the way the aircraft is permitted to be loaded and there may now be restrictions upon operating the aircraft in certain configurations.
  2. Pilots and operators should pay particular attention to the corrected arm associated with the pilot and passenger row. The correction to the AOI has adjusted the arm for the pilot and passenger significantly further rearward.
  3. Pilots and operators should pay particular attention to the aft movement of the centre of gravity with fuel burn. Dependent on the empty weight and empty CoG of each aircraft, the corrected arm and the effect of an aft-moving CoG with fuel burn may significantly change the revised permitted loading of the aircraft, when compared to previous loading of the aircraft.
  4. Pilots should check that the loading of the aircraft is within the published limits, both at the proposed take-off weight and also at a zero-fuel or minimum-fuel weight.

CASA is reasonably satisfied that the corrections made to the AOI have adequately mitigated the safety-related concerns held by CASA, such that all participants are meaningfully aware of these corrections and, importantly, how they change the loading requirements of the aircraft.

Provided operators of the aircraft only operate the aircraft in compliance with the corrected AOI data, CASA considers that the potential for inadvertent operation of the aircraft at or outside the centre of gravity limits is substantially reduced.