Flying ops Quiz

General and sport aviation aircraft
image: © Civil Aviation Safety Authority

1. If you enter the unabbreviated common name of a place in NAIPS instead of the aerodrome abbreviation, the flight notification output will assume that the aircraft is tracking over:

  1. the aerodrome and not the navaid or waypoint
  2. the navaid or waypoint, not the aerodrome
  3. in order of preference, the aerodrome, waypoint or navaid
  4. in order of preference, the aerodrome, navaid or waypoint

2. If you enter HOLBROOK in NAIPS, it will be interpreted as:

  1. HBK
  2. YHBK
  3. the nearest of either the aerodrome or navaid to the town of Holbrook
  4. the nearest of either the aerodrome or waypoint to the town of Holbrook

3. You read in a US aircraft flight manual that the usable fuel in a particular aircraft is ‘24.0 gallons in each wing’. The conservative interpretation of this is the useable fuel is approximately:

  1. 213 litres
  2. 181 litres
  3. 106 litres
  4. 90.5 litres

4. In a turn with 60 degrees of bank, an aircraft with a straight and level stall speed (VS) of 50 KIAS will stall at an indicated airspeed of approximately:

  1. 50 kt
  2. 53 kt
  3. 56 kt
  4. 70 kt

5. The VHF frequency allocated for direct communications between affected flight crew and firefighting services during an aerodrome emergency is:

  1. 121.5 MHz
  2. 126.7 MHz
  3. 123.45 MHz
  4. 131.0 MHz

6. The preferred time for testing ELTs is within the:

  1. last 5 minutes of any hour and transmissions must be limited to 5 seconds
  2. first 5 minutes of any hour and transmissions must be limited to 5 seconds
  3. last 5 minutes of any hour and transmissions must be limited to 10 seconds
  4. first 5 minutes of any hour and transmissions must be limited to 10 seconds

7. A straight line drawn on a world aeronautical chart (WAC) from Melbourne to Bordertown crosses successive meridians:

  1. at the same angle and is a great circle track
  2. at the same angle and is a rhumb line track
  3. at slightly different angles and is a great circle track
  4. at slightly different angles and is a rhumb line track

8. The addition of winglets reduces the:

  1. induced drag and this reduces with speed
  2. parasitic drag and this reduces with speed
  3. induced drag and this increases with speed
  4. form drag and this increases with speed

9. Operation of the carburettor heat causes:

  1. warm exhaust gases to be directed onto the carburettor body
  2. air warmed by the exhaust pipe to be directed onto the carburettor body
  3. air warmed by the exhaust pipe to be drawn through the carburettor
  4. air warmed by the cabin heater system to be drawn through the carburettor

10. If RPM increases slightly on applying carburettor heat during pre-take-off checks, a possible explanation is:

  1. a leak in the heat exchanger
  2. the selector valve travel is not sufficient
  3. a restriction or partial blockage of the air filter
  4. the fuel air mixture is rich

11. You are planning to conduct a private night VFR flight on 30 September carrying 2 passengers. Your 2 previous night flights were one-hour cross-country flights over a distance of 105 nm and involved one landing. If they occurred on 15 June and 25 February, you:

  1. meet the currency requirements for the planned flight
  2. will require one take-off and landing at night before the planned flight
  3. will require 3 take-offs and landings before the flight
  4. will require a cross-country flight of at least one hour duration and 120 nm track distance before conducting the flight with passengers

12. If a forecast is required for a flight but cannot be obtained, the flight may depart if the pilot is satisfied that:

  1. the local weather will permit a safe return to the departure aerodrome within one hour and the required forecast is obtained within 30 minutes of departure
  2. the local weather will permit a safe return to the departure aerodrome
  3. the required forecast is obtained within 30 minutes from departure and does not require an alternate
  4. the required forecast is obtained within 60 minutes of departure and does not require an alternate

13. In addition to the maintenance release (or equivalent) and the licences and medical certificates of the crew, an aircraft operating wholly within Australian territory must also carry:

  1. pilot’s operating handbook (flight manual)
  2. pilot’s operating handbook and certificate of registration
  3. pilot’s operating handbook, certificate of registration and certificate of airworthiness
  4. the flight manual, certificate of registration, certificate of airworthiness and passenger manifest

14. If, for a landing on a runway with a magnetic direction of 350 degrees, the wind given by the tower was 020 degrees at 20 knots gusting to 30 knots, the approximate maximum crosswind component and minimum headwind component would be respectively:

  1. 10 and 15 knots
  2. 21 and 14 knots
  3. 15 and 26 knots
  4. 15 and 17 knots

15. A VFR flight at night to 150 nm from departure:

  1. does not require a SARTIME or a flight note
  2. does not require a SARTIME or flight note unless of more than one hour duration
  3. requires a SARTIME or flight note
  4. requires a SARTIME; a flight note is not sufficient



  1. (b) NAIPS assumes tracking over the related aid or waypoint, not the aerodrome.
  2. (a) HBK is the aid.
  3. (b) Unless otherwise stated, the gallons referred to in American flight manuals are usually US gallons which convert at ≈ 3.78.
  4. (d) At 41 per cent higher than the steady stall speed.
  5. (d) AIP AD 1.2-2, 1.3 1.
  6. (b) AIP GEN 3.6, 6.4.
  7. (c) Only a rhumb line is a constant bearing; a great circle requires a continuous change of bearing.
  8. (a) Winglets reduce the vortex drag which is a component of induced drag.
  9. (c) The induction air is warmed.
  10. (c) The engine will therefore not develop full power.
  11. (c) Because you are carrying passengers, you require 3 take-offs and landings within 90 days of the flight. CASR 61.395. You also meet the requirement if you have successfully completed a relevant check or review or passed a flight test for a pilot licence or a rating on a pilot licence within the previous 90 days, in an aircraft of your licence category or approved simulator of that category. For simulators, at least one take-off and landing must be conducted; these are assumed to have happened successfully if the licence or rating has been done on an aircraft!
  12. (a) AIP ENR 1.10 para 1.2.2
  13. (a) Alternatively, AOC holders may carry the operations manual, CAR 139, CAR 233
  14. (d) Crosswind angle is 30 degrees to runway. Maximum crosswind component is 0.5 of the gusts; minimum headwind component is 0.86 of the minimum wind speed.
  15. (c) AIP ENR 1.10 para 2.13