Pilot career guide out now

Pilot career guide

Fast forward to the near future (post COVID-19) when the aviation industry is back in full flight: it’s estimated nearly 265,000 pilots will be needed across the globe in the next decade.

And while many may think of pilots flying passengers around the world on commercial airlines, there are many other aviation career paths.

So, to encourage secondary students in considering aviation as a profession, we’ve developed the Pilot career guide, which explains step-by-step the process to become a pilot and the various licences, ratings and endorsements required. It also includes in-depth profiles of female and male pilots and their various aviation careers.

Contributor Teraya Miller – our NSW-based Aviation Safety Advisor – says the guide includes the Part 61 Flight crew licencing changes.

‘We want everyone to know that they can be a pilot and hopefully this guide will encourage students to get into aviation,’ Teraya says.

‘By making it easy to read, we want any student who’s been considering an aviation career to contact their local flying school or training facility to get started and get up in the air.

‘We’ll promote the guide through schools, at careers and university days and hopefully – fingers crossed – Avalon in December and other public forums.

‘Our AvSafety team will also have copies available at all of their seminars.’

The guide is available in hard copy from our online store for $1.50 or download it for free from our website.