Flying Ops Quiz

Plane flying through clouds
Image: © Civil Aviation Safety Authority

1. You are planning to conduct a private night VFR flight on 30 September carrying 2 passengers. Your 2 previous night flights were one-hour cross-country flights over 105 nm and involved one landing. If they occurred on 15 June and 25 February, you: 

  1. meet the currency requirements for the planned flight
  2. will require one take-off and landing at night before the planned flight 
  3. will require 3 take-offs and landings before the flight
  4. will require a cross-country flight of at least one‑hour duration and 120 nm track distance before conducting the flight with passengers

2. If a forecast is required for a flight but cannot be obtained, the flight may depart if the pilot is satisfied that the: 

  1. local weather will permit a safe return to the departure aerodrome within one hour and the required forecast is obtained within 30 minutes of departure
  2. local weather will permit a safe return to the departure aerodrome
  3. required forecast is obtained within 30 minutes from departure and does not require an alternate
  4. required forecast is obtained within 60 minutes of departure and does not require an alternate

3. If a tailwheel aircraft bounces on the main wheels during landing, the subsequent rebound will be:

  1. assisted by the increased lift resulting from the increased angle of attack due to the position of the main wheels ahead of the centre of gravity
  2. assisted by the increased lift resulting from the increased angle of attack due to the position of the main wheels behind the centre of gravity
  3. opposed by the reduced lift resulting from the reduced angle of attack due to the position of the main wheels ahead of the centre of gravity
  4. opposed by the reduced lift resulting from the reduced angle of attack due to the position of the main wheels behind the centre of gravity

4. If, for a landing on a runway with a magnetic direction of 350 degrees, the wind given by the tower was 020 degrees at 20 knots gusting to 30 knots, the approximate maximum crosswind component and minimum headwind component would be respectively: 

  1. 10 and 15 knots
  2. 21 and 14 knots 
  3. 15 and 26 knots 
  4. 15 and 17 knots 

5. A VFR flight at night to 150 nm from departure: 

  1. does not require a SARTIME or a flight note 
  2. does not require a SARTIME or flight note unless it’s more than one hour duration 
  3. requires a flight plan, SARTIME or flight note 
  4. requires a SARTIME or flight note

6. For a private night VFR flight, operation with an unserviceable turn indicator is: 

  1. permissible provided the slip indicator is serviceable
  2. not permissible 
  3. permissible provided the slip indicator and outside air temperature indicator are serviceable 
  4. not permissible unless operated from a separate power source to the remaining gyro instruments 

7. The indicated airspeed at which a given aircraft stalls:

  1. for a given weight, increases with altitude
  2. for a given weight, is the same at all altitudes, but the corresponding true airspeed increases with altitude
  3. increases with weight and reduces with altitude
  4. increases with weight and altitude

8. A ground proximity warning system (GPWS) provides warnings of terrain proximity and rate of closure by means of inputs from: 

  1. weather radar, radio altitude and aircraft configuration 
  2. radio altitude, barometric altitude and aircraft configuration 
  3. forward-looking radar, barometric altitude and aircraft configuration 
  4. all of the above 

9. The most likely danger from frost accumulation on the wing of an aircraft is: 

  1. extra drag may severely increase the take-off run
  2. extra weight may severely increase the take-off run and reduce climb gradient 
  3. severe reduction in lift because surface roughness reduces the stall angle, preventing the wing developing enough lift for take-off 
  4. all of the above 

10. Airframe icing is:

  1. possible below 0 °C because, in some circumstances, water can remain liquid below that temperature
  2. not possible below 0 °C
  3. most likely around 13 °C if the humidity is high
  4. most likely around 4 °C

11. An aircraft has been heading 350 M to make a planned track of 355 M. If, after some time, the track made good is found to be 345 M, the planned drift was:

  1. 5 degrees left and the actual drift was 5 degrees left
  2. 5 degrees left and the actual drift was 5 degrees right
  3. 5 degrees right and the actual drift was 5 degrees right
  4. 5 degrees right and the actual drift was 5 degrees right

12. For a restricted area, a conditional status of RA1 means pilots:

  1. may flight plan through the restricted area and expect an ATC clearance under normal circumstances
  2. must not flight plan through the area unless there is a route specified in ERSA GEN or
    prior agreement is made
  3. must avoid the area
  4. may plan through the area unless it is activated by NOTAM

13. When landing a typical tailwheel aircraft, ground contact by the tailwheel first tends to cause the trailing edge of the elevator to travel:

  1. downwards, which contributes to the subsequent bounce on the main wheels
  2. downwards, which reduces the subsequent bounce on the main wheels
  3. upwards, which contributes to the subsequent bounce on the main wheels
  4. upwards, which reduces the subsequent bounce of the main wheels



1. (c) Because you are carrying passengers, you require 3 take-offs and landings within 90 days of the flight. CASR 61.395. You also meet the requirement if you have successfully completed a relevant check or review or passed a flight test for a pilot licence or a rating on a pilot licence within the previous 90 days, in an aircraft of your licence category or approved simulator of that category. For simulators, at least one take-off and landing must be conducted; these are assumed to have happened successfully if the licence or rating has been done on an aircraft!

2. (a) AIP ENR 1.10 para 1.2.2

3. (a)

4. (d) Crosswind angle is 30 degrees to runway. Maximum crosswind component is 0.5 of the gusts; minimum headwind component is 0.86 of the minimum wind speed.

5. (d) AIP ENR 1.10 para 2.13

6. (b) CAO 20.18 Appendix IV, CASR Part 91 MOS 26.07(3) Aeroplane VFR flight by night. 

7. (b)

8. (b) GPWS differs from enhanced GPWS (EGPWS) which relates to aircraft position from a GPS source (either internal to the equipment or from the aircraft FMS) to a terrain/obstacle/airport database which the equipment manufacturer regularly updates.

9. (c) Its weight and drag effects are insignificant but frost reduces the maximum lift a wing can generate at take-off.

10. (a)

11. (d)

12. (a) ENR 1.4

13. (a)