Sweet videos with a serious cabin safety core


CASA’s latest cabin safety campaign adds a sweet flavour to an important series of safety messages.

Bean Safe is an animated video, starring jelly beans as airline travellers. It’s being launched today to coincide with one of the busiest times of the year for airlines and the travelling public—the Christmas holidays.

The hapless candy characters take overweight carry-on luggage on board or take it with them in an emergency, drink too much alcohol, and drop their personal electronic device then promptly move their seat … all with disastrous consequences.

CASA cabin safety specialist, Angela Andrews, says the campaign aims to increase public awareness and support airlines in getting cabin safety messages across to the travelling public.

‘The campaign’s concept has already gained support from the Asia Pacific Cabin Safety Working Group and we are hoping that Australia’s main passenger carriers will directly assist us with their own promotional activities,’ she said.

Despite, or maybe because, of the humorous format, the messages are relevant, current and nuanced. A jelly bean passenger’s stiletto heel punctures a life raft in one scene, for example.

CASA has also recently updated the cabin safety web pages on the CASA website and in November issued the first Cabin Safety Bulletin to industry.