Safety sponsorships on offer


CASA is offering sponsorships to organisations that actively promote aviation safety.

Applications for round two of the Safety Promotion Sponsorship Program open on 5 February 2018 and close on 2 March 2018.

The sponsorship program targets community and not-for-profit organisations. Sponsorships cover activities such as conferences, workshops and seminars, safety forums, educational programs, publications and recreational or industry events. Most sponsorship is delivered by financial support and is typically less than $5000.

In the latest sponsorship round we are looking for applications that support our current safety promotion priorities and activities. These include safety management systems, new aviation rules, drone safety awareness, targeted helicopter safety information, airport safety, sport aviation safety and ageing aircraft safety issues. Sponsorship applications must be made using the form available on the CASA website.

Find out more about CASA sponsorships and make an application.